Friday, July 24, 2009

Bluford in line for 2011 AHA chair

Congratulations John.

From AHA News:

The AHA Board of Trustees has elected as its chair-elect designate John Bluford, president and CEO of Truman Medical Centers in Kansas City, MO. Bluford will assume the chairmanship in 2011 and become chairman-elect on Jan. 1, 2010. "Hospitals support extending coverage to millions of Americans while keeping hospitals strong to fulfill their mission of caring for communities," Bluford said. "It is an honor to be chosen to represent my colleagues in the field at this critical juncture in our nation's history. A special area of focus for me will be finding ways to create a culture of wellness among health care employees that hopefully will extend into the communities they serve."

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

News of the obvious?

The Institute on Aging, in conjunction with the U.S. Census Bureau has released a study indicating... wait for it... the world's population is aging quickly.

From the authors:

“Aging is affecting every country in every part of the world,” said Richard Suzman, director of NIA’s Division of Behavioral and Social Research. “While there are important differences between developed and developing countries, global aging is changing the social and economic nature of the planet and presenting difficult challenges. The fact that, within 10 years, for the first time in human history there will be more people aged 65 and older than children under 5 in the world underlines the extent of this change.”

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

RWJF: Consumer trends released

According to a new study from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, consumer's confidence in the health care system improved in June. The foundation indicated in its news release that the progress on federal health reform legislation may be driving an increase in positive feelings about the future of health care. The research found also:

  • Americans believe health reform is an important part of addressing the nation’s economic crisis. More than 8 in 10 people (84.7%) believe that it is important for President Obama to reform the health care system as a step in solving the nation’s economic woes.
  • People are worried about being able to afford future care. More than four in 10 of all Americans (43.3%) are worried that they will not be able to pay for their future health care needs in the event of a serious illness. Additionally, nearly four in 10 (39.8%) are worried that they will not be able to afford all of the routine health care services they need (39.8%).
  • Americans are afraid of losing their insurance in the coming year. Nearly one in four currently insured adults (23.3%) fear losing their health insurance at some point in the next 12 months.
  • Americans are having trouble paying their medical bills. One in four people (25.8%) report having had trouble paying medical bills during the past year.
  • People are worried that medical bills will lead to bankruptcy. Nearly a quarter (22.9%) report being worried that they will go bankrupt from not being able to pay their medical bills.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Missouri's uninsured

Families USA has released a report on the increase in the number of the uninsured state-by-state. The Kansas City Star has coverage of the report in this morning's edition.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Crisis media training

The Missouri State Emergency Management Agency has announced a training session for communications professionals related to public information operations in terrorist and weapons of mass destruction incidents. Hospital staff interested in attending the session, which will be held in Springfield, Mo., on October 27-28, should contact June Simonton at 573/526-9121.

Health care rationing

Rationing is one of the most heated points of discussion in the health reform debate. The New York Times has an interesting perspective on health care rationing in today's edition.

U.S. News top hospitals listing out

U.S. News & World Report has published its list of America's Best Hospitals. St. Louis' Barnes-Jewish Hospital ranks 9th nationally, a gain from its 12th place listing last year.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Update: Hospital Compare

The American Hospital Association is now indicating that the CMS' update to its Hospital Compare Web site will now occur on Thursday, July 9, rather than tomorrow July 8th.

$155 billion deal?

According to an article in today's edition of The Washington Post, hospitals have reached a deal with Congress and the White House to contribute $155 billion throughout 10 years to help provide coverage for the nation's uninsured. The deal was struck last night. The American Hospital Association has yet to release a public comment.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Uninsured by choice

A new survey from the Employment Policies Institute finds that many of the nation's uninsured have chosen to decline coverage. Young, single and higher income individuals are disproportionately represented among those declining insurance. Others spurn coverage due to the lack of inclusion of alternative or religion-based therapies in traditional health plans.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Hospital Compare update

The American Hospital Association is indicating that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will be updating data on their Hospital Compare Web site on Wednesday, July 8. According to AHA, the USA TODAY has received an advance copy of the data and other Gannett newspapers may have access as well. The USA Today has contacted hospitals outside of Missouri about their data, however there are currently no reports from Missouri hospitals of media contact.

Talking points on prior Hospital Compare updates are available on MHAnet.

AHA has issued a Quality Advisory related to the data.

More information will follow as the date approaches.

Reporter roundup

David Lieb of the Associated Press is working on a story about health care information technology. His deadline was unclear and he appears to be seeking more information and may contact hospitals.

Mike Sherry of the Kansas City Business Journal has requested information about changes to the 2009 IRS form 990 schedule H.

Alyson Raletz of the St. Joseph News-Press called to identify MHA's position on the 34th Senate District race (St. Joseph area). Specifically she was interested in MHA's support or opposition to Rep. Rob Schaaf's candidacy.