Tuesday, July 21, 2009

RWJF: Consumer trends released

According to a new study from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, consumer's confidence in the health care system improved in June. The foundation indicated in its news release that the progress on federal health reform legislation may be driving an increase in positive feelings about the future of health care. The research found also:

  • Americans believe health reform is an important part of addressing the nation’s economic crisis. More than 8 in 10 people (84.7%) believe that it is important for President Obama to reform the health care system as a step in solving the nation’s economic woes.
  • People are worried about being able to afford future care. More than four in 10 of all Americans (43.3%) are worried that they will not be able to pay for their future health care needs in the event of a serious illness. Additionally, nearly four in 10 (39.8%) are worried that they will not be able to afford all of the routine health care services they need (39.8%).
  • Americans are afraid of losing their insurance in the coming year. Nearly one in four currently insured adults (23.3%) fear losing their health insurance at some point in the next 12 months.
  • Americans are having trouble paying their medical bills. One in four people (25.8%) report having had trouble paying medical bills during the past year.
  • People are worried that medical bills will lead to bankruptcy. Nearly a quarter (22.9%) report being worried that they will go bankrupt from not being able to pay their medical bills.

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