Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What we meant to say...

According to the American Hospital Association, early news reports on yesterday's meeting with President Obama to discuss health reform were inaccurate.

From AHA News:

"Early news reports that the AHA and five other national health care organizations pledged to reduce health care spending by 1.5 percentage points annually over the next 10 years were inaccurate. The group actually committed to helping achieve the administration's goal of a 1.5 percentage point reduction over the span of 10 years. AHA President and CEO Rich Umbdenstock noted that the $2 trillion in savings is a general estimate and can be achieved in multiple ways and across all sectors, public and private. Saying blunt cuts are not reform, he called on the administration to knock down the regulatory and legislative barriers that impede hospitals and physicians from working together to improve care for patients."

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