Friday, May 8, 2009

World views

Today's St. Joseph News Press coverage of the Missouri General Assembly's debate over the state's 2010 budget exposes the very different world view of members of the House and Senate.

From the article:

Sen. Charlie Shields:

“This body has long believed that health care for Missourians is a good thing,” said Mr. Shields, who also is a chief marketing/communications officer for Heartland Regional Medical Center. “Anything we can do to bring 700,000 (uninsured) Missourians into health care is a good thing.”

Rep. Rob Schaaf:

“I think people are sick and tired of working harder and harder ... knowing their money is going to other people who could be taking care of themselves,” said Rep. Dr. Rob Schaaf, a St. Joseph Republican and member of the House budget committee. Calling it a large windfall for hospitals, he voted against a budget bill that included the proposal on Wednesday.

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